Friday, August 12, 2011

Does anyone know any controversial poems?

for my project i need to write a parody on a "controversial" poem that i do not agree with. the poem doesn't necessarily have to have cause change in the world, although it would be better if it did. but the only requirement is that the poem was highly talked about or well spread. personally, some examples of things that i don't agree with are war, labor, drug use, animal abuse, violence, certain types of advertising, and things done for the sole purpose of attention, greed, or money. for example if anyone knows a poem that glorifies war so i can write a parody and say all the bad things that happen, or a poem that leaves out the bad side of the story. sorry if im being confusing but please give me poem titles if you have any ideas. thanks:)

I'm afraid to let people in. Is there something wrong with me?

Okay, so where to start. Okay nvm i am 24 years old, i work as an event planner. I have never been in a relationship not once in my entire life. I'm not bragging, but i've been told that i'm pretty a million times and guys have been chasing after me. But the thing is, i dont feel like i'm good enough or pretty enough for anyone. I know that they say when someone loves you they will love you no matter how you look bla bla bla. But everytime i see myself in a relationship all i see is disappointment. I'm afraid that i will let the other person with my never ending flaws. Whenever a guy starts to start something with me. I will reject him and say to him its for his own good. Everytime i try to let someone in, this image of me getting heartbroken because i'm not good enough for him tears trough my mind. Even my friends have given up on me. Idk what to do, i know that there is not a single person who is perfect. But i just... idk.

Teem mom:glorifying or preventing?

i watch the show and im on the fence about it its kinda preventing because like it shows the girls all misrable and crap. but also girls are getting preggy so they CAN be on the show and like it makes then like mini rstars for geting preggy at 15 and 16 and whatnot. imean like i shount know who maci bookout is other than the show. like if they stop making them famous for getting knocked up then i wold say its preventing and if they show the misrable stuff

Can I get into West Point?

Your best bet would be to talk to your recruiter about this situation. and some advice... If you are going to go to college... especially west point... become an officer.

My friend's girlfriend is trying to seduce me what should i do?

he's a really good friend of mine and im not bragging but i know im a nice guy and i don't wanna betray my friend and i dont like tat chick ethir she may be the hottest girl in my collge but my gf is the only girl in my eyes and my friends gf is really nice too she told me tat she love me and i was like wtf she help me alot on my essays and she just really nice so tats why i cant push her away it'll just make me seem like a lowlife its not tat i didint try it before but when i try she started crying and i was trying to calm her down then she just ran away so i though wat was i suppose to do plz help.

Fellow Christian: Do we believe John 16:13-15? If you did not have the Bible could God still lead you in truth?

Yes, He is perfectly capable of leading us to the Truth, and to reveal things to us that we don't know. I know that when I got saved, God poured His Spirit on me, and I knew things in the Bible that I had never even read before-it was like I was "awakened". When I read them in the Bible, it was like "Wow-God already showed me that-I KNOW it is true!" If I had not had a Bible, God would have still revealed things to me, in whatever way He wanted to.

Do needy people get more priority, when it comes to jobs?

I got my current job in similar situation using this online job listing - topjobs.ibloteenager